The Visit

On the 11th of February 2025 we, the pupils of the 4A, 4B and 4C, went to the Orpheum in Graz to watch “The Visit” by Philip Dart, an adaption of J. B. Priestley’s famous play “An Inspector Calls”.
The play is about three students who live in a shared apartment. One evening they are having a party, when suddenly an inspector turns up and questions them about their relationship to a girl, who committed suicide, by making them relive their past. It turns out that all three of them met the same girl under different names and circumstances and that they are jointly responsible for the young woman's act of desperation. In the end the three friends realise that the visitor was not a real policewoman.
We found the play very interesting and at the same time shocking because it reminded us that everything we do has consequences, often ones we would never have expected.
Katharina Dampfhofer and Isabella Puntigam, 4A